
Welcome to the Per Capita blog! Here you'll find all the thoughts and ideas we just had to get out there immediately, as well as the winning entries of our Young Writers Competition and other bits and pieces.

August 8, 2023

Six policies to make housing more secure and affordable

The Victorian Government is conducting an Inquiry into the Rental and Housing Affordability Crisis, which has triggered intense debate over what policies would reduce the costs, increase security, and limit the rise of housing stress and homelessness. Some commentators are demanding that the state government get out of the way, and allow the private sector ... Read more
July 3, 2023

When it comes to housing wealth, being a man pays dividends

By Matt Lloyd-Cape and Lucy Tonkin. Open a newspaper on any day and you’ll be met with a new story about Australia’s housing crisis. How older women are the fastest growing cohort to experience homelessness, or that female heads of lone parent households are most likely to experience significant and prolonged housing stress. But we ... Read more